Traffic Safety Digest  
Summer 2002
Project Characteristics
Drunk Driving Simulator
Program Areas
Alcohol & Other Drugs

Type of Jurisdiction

Targeted Population
High School and College Students

General Public

Jurisdiction Size

Section 402: $8,000
Other (private donations):
County (wages): $8,000

Capt. Kevin Joyce
Cumberland Co. Sheriff's Office
36 County Way
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 774-1444

Digest Listing


Fatal Experience


Cumberland County has been experiencing an increase in teenage Operating Under the Influence (OUI) cases and OUI-related motor vehicle crashes. The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office wanted to impact young drivers by teaching them about the effects of drunk driving through demonstration rather than through lecture.


The purpose of the Fatal Experience drunk driving simulator was to provide an alternative educational tool that is specifically geared towards young drivers but would also teach other drivers about how alcohol affects driving. The simulator would:

  • provide a hands-on experience in which sober drivers operate a golf cart (vehicle simulator) while wearing Fatal Vision Goggles;
  • be used at all of the area high schools, especially during prom and graduation season; and
  • provide a simulated experience to the citizens of Cumberland County during various town fairs and festivals as public education to promote responsibility.


The simulator demonstrates how alcohol and drugs can affect various large and small muscle groups and thereby impair movement and judgment. This realistic experience allows a participant to see what happens when vision, equilibrium, and depth perception are impaired while operating a vehicle (in this case, a golf cart). This experience would encourage the sober participant to make a conscious decision not to drive while intoxicated. The simulator was used at a variety of activities and venues.
  • Demonstrations at all of the high schools within the patrol districts serviced by the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Demonstrations at various high schools outside of the county when requested by law enforcement or government agencies.
  • Demonstrations at various college campuses throughout Maine.
  • Demonstrations at various local events including safety days sponsored by employers, fire departments, or other organizations.
  • Participation in the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) program sponsored by the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety.


This project became very popular statewide within the first year. The program/demonstration has gained exposure from Presque Isle to Kittery. Several law enforcement agencies throughout Maine have requested the Fatal Experience at functions they sponsor. In 2000, the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety (a major contributor) asked the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office to participate in the NETS program. The program continues to gain popularity and has averaged two demonstrations per week over the past year.


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